Blog post 2: Data & Digitilzation
The section on data helps and relates to my project for analysis because now that I have a better understanding of what is is I can find more things to analyse from my site. Data (like digital humanities) is a lot broader of a subject than I initial thought it was. It's not all about the obvious numbers like you'd automatically assume, it can include things like "text, beats in a measure, pixels on a screen, and distances on a map can all be turned into quantitative data," (Drucker, 19). This very helpful as a guide for what to focus on/analyse on my website. The checklist for creating a data model was very helpful, I like that it breaks down with instructions. Data and digitalisation play a key role in digital humanities by being the large part of what makes it up. They apply to the website I'm analysing especially the digitalisation because my site is composed of a bunch of imported files to journals and projects. These chapters gave a dive into these compone...
After reading all the assigned excerpts it is clear that digital humanities does not have one clear definition. Everyone has their own interpretation of it and the topic embraces these meanings, as said in The Digital Humanities Manifesto 2.0 "digital Humanities is not a unified field but an array of convergent practices that explore a universe" proving that it doesn't belong to one solid definition. I was not all that aware of what digital humanities was before reading these texts, my assumptions were based on the words themselves; digital, meaning the up-and-coming technology combined with humanities, meaning the study of human behavior. At all odds, my description wasn't too far off from Johanna Druckers who said, "digital humanities work is done at the intersection of computational methods and humanities materials." There are so many components to digital humanities it would be almost unfair to simplify it under one meaning. You have the process of creating it, the number of techniques to express it, and the meanings behind each part of it. The abundance of digital humanities is what makes it so compelling to our future, it expands human capability through efficiency and experience. To me, Digital humanities is the expansion of human knowledge in consequence of technology.