Blog post 2: Data & Digitization

     While reading chapters two and three of The Digital Humanities Coursebook, by Johanna Drucker I was able to further my definition of digital humanities. While reading these chapters helped develop my definition it also broadened it. I did not realize just how many specific concepts fall under it. The second chapter dived into the data portion of the definition. This chapter talked about all the different ways that data can be used whether it was through structured or unstructured data. My main takeaway from this chapter is that "Data are the basic units of almost all digital works" (Drucker 27). In chapter three we expanded on the formats that digital humanities can be developed into, which could range from creating HTML with online tools to films and sound recordings. In this chapter I learned more about building websites and the standard protocol to do so. 

    After reading these two chapters I was able to apply the information gathered, onto my digital humanities project that I am analyzing. The project that I chose to analyze focuses on the digitization of archival art pieces that have been uploaded onto a website. By reading chapter three of The Digital Humanities Coursebook I learned how to view the websites code. As I was looking at these art pieces online, I was able to deduct how accessible the website is. Being able to zoom in on the paintings and focus on specific elements shows how accessible and well stored the files are for this project. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I also didn't realize that there are many specific concepts that fall under digital humanities. These chapters with their examples helped give me a better idea of ways we can define digital humanities. I'm glad they expanded on the digital components like HTML. It's great that this reading helped you learn more about how accessible your website is.

  3. I was surprised by how classified data is, which makes sense when you compare it to how vast digital humanities is.

  4. Yes! Understanding how a website /interface is made can definitely help you analyze one. And... all the terms are coming together! I'm glad this helped you see the accessibility of the NYT project!


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