MMILL Team Processing Blog Post 8

The Maine MILL project is going very well. My team has been working hard on getting the tasks done and correctly. Everyone is very supportive and asks if anyone needs help or tasks taken off peoples work loads. We are ahead of schedule which allows for us to workshop and go over the visual together so we are all on the same page. It is beneficial we have a class to check each others work and perfect it. I have the art portion of the project. I have three art pieces that I put the text and photos in. I am adding a tag on the art table that is an activity to make personalized dolls from anyone that visited the museum.  The project looks good but the 360 images do not have depth. When I say that, I can not click on an object and be taken to it. I was excepting a way to walk around and move around the museum. I learned that instead of moving around in depth, the audience was click a tag and get a clear photo with text added to it. It is satisfying and brings light to important topics. Presentation and visual mapping are digital humanities concept that I thought about a lot while making the virtual tour. I thought about visual mapping because there was movement in the 360 photo of the museum with dragging and clicking. When someone clicks on a tag, a new visual pops up and provides more detail and information. For presentation, it is well organized, simple, and to the point. Since we were given the information to be placed in the tags, the presentation was our biggest task. I believe the 360 image would have to be clearer if it continued to the presentation stage. Some corners are blurry and the sun light covers some of the space. The tags are professional looking and would be a success in that stage. I see our project bringing a younger feeling to this museum. That was our original goal and I believe we made it simple, with great visuals. 


  1. Hi Mackenzie! I'm glad to hear your project is going well! I absolutely agree that the team work during class enables everyone to check in and ensure that everyone is on the same page! Your project involves more of the presentation component of digital humanities projects, whereas ours is more concentrated with processing. I'm very excited to see how your final products turn out as we wind down on this project!


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