Interface and E-Lit

 After reading chapter 10, "My Body, a Wunderkammer", "Depression Quest", and "Electronic Literature:what is it?", I really started to understand interface. The chapter defines it as" an embodiment of the contents of the project, a guide to how a visitor can move through it, and a support for actions that can be taken for use." This means it structures a site in a way to categorize text or data in a visually pleasing way. Having different windows allows for more images to keep the audience engaged. In "My Body, a Wunderkammer" by Shelley Jackson, there is an interactive main page that has the audience pick with body part they want to read more about. After clicking on it, the viewers are brought to a different page where there is a story that corresponds with the body part. Organizing the page that way allows for the audience to not be overwhelmed with one long page of text. It keeps people interested and motivated to keep reading more. I really enjoyed that page because I felt like I wanted to keep reading to find out the next story on each body part. The "Depression Quest" by Zoe Quinn, was also an interactive site that was structured like a story. Each passage can telling parts of a story, it kept going just like someone telling a story in real life would be. It is an easy way that guides the readers through the literature. Interface was a new tactic I learned about that will help me design my web presentation. I have dealt with coding before and want to incorporate links on the main page to break up information. It needs to be organized and easy for the audience to maneuver through. I want to have one main page with minimal text. I will have links to different windows with more images and full of text about that specific focus. 


  1. The embodiment and guide definition is great! I can see that taking shape in your presentation plan!

  2. I agree with you that the book did a good job explaining what interface is, I feel much more informed and I am excited to get started on the new project!


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