interface and Elit

My body, a WunderKammer by Shelly Jackson and Depression Quest by Zoe Quinn are both genres of digital literature that also let the audience interact with their design. The Interface on a computer is in charge of the genre it provides due to the layout, information, and words used.  According to Johanna Trucker "interface is often to communicate with a viewer what the contents of a project site might be"(Drucker, 172). Both of the sites given do a good job with specific layouts to set the stage for the type of impression they want to give off. My Body, for example immediately shows a more emotionally intimate side to Jacksons' artistic license and what she is trying to portray through this.   

For the upcoming project, I would like to incorporate an interactive type of website that is both enticing to the audience but also clear and to the point. I enjoyed the use of hypertexts from the sites above and will incorporate them into my own web presentation. 


  1. Johanna Drucker :). I fixed your formatting, not sure what happened.


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