Data & Digitization

     Before reading chapters 2 and 3, I thought digital humanities was a very broad term and many people have different perspectives of it. I believed digital humanities is having information, sources, and data online in a categorized formate. After reading chapters 2, and 3, I noticed the idea that data is all information. It can be structured or unstructured but it can all be found online. That showed me that digital humanities is even more broad which I did not think was possible after last weeks readings. The chapter talked about categorizing information in an organized way. I did not realize there were so many rules and criteria's for structuring data. In short, data is just information that needs to be organized properly or it will not be useful to the attended audience. In chapter 3, "language" was used to describe tools used in formatting the information on the web. I thought that was ironic because it is the best word to connect digital humanities together. 

I would look at the information on my project and how it was organized. I noticed there are many different parts of topics they wanted to establish on their home page. They structured it so if someone clocked on a certain title, it would bring them to another page with information and a diagram. I will look if they specified which tool they used to make the site. 



  1. I love your comment about "language" and it is definitely a great word to bring the digital and the humanities (particularly the literary faction) together! :)

  2. I agree with what you say here that just when you think the term digital humanities is broad already... It gets broader than you ever thought possible. I think it's important to narrow down to a specific area, like how your project is organized, as you mentioned.


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