Metadata and Database Designs
Just when I thought I had a handle on data, I was introduced to metadata. To say it was complex was an understatement. Essentially data upon data, metadata ranges from a sample of information to broad, complex topics. It encompasses a variety of information and details, regarding who, what, when, and how data was developed. Personally, I thought it was interesting to see just how discussion revolves around terms in metadata. For instance, the point about different terms being used for ‘creator’, and ‘author’ was very interesting to think about. It definitely makes it clear why the topic is so detailed.
It was also interesting to see how database designs are constructed. There is a lot of detail that goes into database development, and even the simpler forms require some effort. Since the creation of a database involves multiple factors, such as security, it means that a lot of tasks in its production result in various individuals or teams contributing to it. It also takes a lot of time to sort through different statistics and facts and analyze them, before placing them into a data model. In addition, there are continuous debates around certain metrics and labels, just as metadata content can be controversial. It was a very informative experience for me to see how these factors influence databases.
Hello, I agree with your opening statement on data. I also thought I had a good understanding before learning about metadata. Metadata is very complex, and has various forms. I never thought about how important it is to differentiate between "creator" and "author".