Metadata and Databases
After reading Chapters 4 and 5 of the textbook I learned the meaning of metadata and I got to better understand what it is. At the beginning of the chapter, it says "Think of metadata as the information about a resource or digital asset" (Drucker, 52) What this tells me is this all the information behind a file, all the very precise details behind it is what metadata contains. Metadata is part of every type of resource too, it isn't just the information behind one specific type of file. The only documents that do not need metadata besides books and bibliographies. Metadata connects the information of something with a description of sorts to be able to better understand and analyze it. Once again, metadata is very much crucial for humans to be able to find and use.
Metadata is essential to my research project because my whole website is a database of different information from books. Without metadata on my website, there would be absolutely no way of finding these documents or the specific information about them. Especially with my website as it highlights articles from strong female assets, it is important to have the right descriptions of the person and the document made by them.
The definition in the textbook you used was about what metadata means was confusing to me in the text. Your elaboration was very interesting because it allowed me to understand the definition further. The fact that everything except a book and bibliographies was something I did not know. The importance of metadata is shown and is something I would have never have known about before this class/reading.