What is Digital Humanities?

 After reading the textbook overview, DH Manifesto 2.0, and What is Digital Humanities, I noticed all the sources did not give a set definition. From my perspective, digital humanities is having information, sources, and data online in a categorized website. I had little to no knowledge for what it was before the readings. Randi Junus said, "using computational technologies for analysis and making them more readily available for access and allowing others to examine, reuse, and discuss the artifact"(What is Digital Humanities). This quote was very interesting because I believed it explained digital humanities in a simple form. Most definitions given were hard to break down for me, especially because I had no previous knowledge. I read in the textbook overview that digital humanities does not have to be online so I was wondering if a magazine like Vogue could be categorized as digital humanities. It does have material, processing, and presentation. It can be seen as less elaborate because it is spaced out on many pages unlike on a website or online source. It has text, facts, and descriptions on it as well as imagery in an organized presentation. I was wondering if it is considered digital humanities. 


  1. You should add your definitions to the class manifesto! I think print texts are excluded in most definitions, but I see your point about materials and processes being digital means for the print product...

  2. I like what you've written here because I can see that you're still exploring and analyzing what it is while still providing your perspective to the definition. I think this speaks volumes to how intricate it can be to define a study like digital humanities!


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