Maine MILL Team Planning

Currently, our team is planning to create a VR tour of MMILL. We are dividing it up into four sections, with Bricks, Textiles, Art, and Fabrics being separated. At the moment, we are thinking of using a 360 image and then providing arrows to move throughout the space. We are also including closeups of the different materials, as well as different slides between smaller displays. We are going to use the photos in the folder for each item. A caption and description will be provided for each. We are going to assign the specific sections this week.

In regards to the digital humanities, I think this an example of where we are using both distance and close reading analysis. We are taking a large variety of images, looking for themes, and then compiling them into different sections. Then, we are examining them more in depth by determining what to write about each one, and which order would be suit the display. I would categorize the project as Archival, since it is designed to showcase the Industrial History of Lewiston-Auburn. Our process is to share that history in a clear, intriguing presentation, by assembling photos and links to different objects. Our goal is to preserve the mission of MMILL through thoughtful consideration of the stories behind the project, and reflecting on what visitors might view the display.


  1. I see how you might be analyzing your materials via close and distant reading, that's interesting. And this is definitely archival or preservation. It would also be curation and Virtual tourism or heritage. :)


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