MMILL team planning

    I am part of the virtual tour team for the Museum L-A. My team explored thinglink and looked at all the materials that Professor M gathered at the museum. We are waiting for all members of our team to be together to decide how to split the sections. We also wanted to consider how much work was in each section. The first steps that we've taken to start the project was to learn how to use thinglink. Then we created a Google Slideshow to have a location where we can collaborate and organize the materials in order. Next step we need to take is to decide what section each of us is going to do. The materials that we are working with entail audio clips, photos, and videos. The process that goes into the virtual tour is reviewing the images and adding them into the 360 along with some text. 

    My goals for this project is to make it appear as professional as possible, and allow the viewer to gain further access to the museum. The project that we are looking at relates specifically to chapter nine of The Digital Humanities Coursebook, by Johanna Drucker. I would categorize this project as a virtual space. Virtual spaces along with virtual tours have the same workload and layers that go into creating each one. Virtual spaces and virtual tours both use a 360 virtual reality in order to display the spaces. The significance of virtual spaces and virtual tours is to allow the public to access these places and information in a digitalized way. The portion of the project that I am working on helps the Maine Museum of Innovation, Learning, and Labor’s overall goal of creating a more accessible and modern branding of the museum.


  1. I am excited for tomorrows class so we can divide the work up! I agree that the goal is to make the project as professional as possible. Working with Rachael and knowing her goal as well is to have a modern look to the site is great. Our input and ideas will help her exactly with that because we are in the target audiences age range.


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