MMILL team planning

 I am part of the virtual team for the project. In class, my team spent the majority of the time exploring thinglink, there is only one of us that has used it, so we took a look at the different selections it contained. We took a look through the photos and discovered which ones we liked the best and are most likely going to use for the virtual museum. We created a google folder that contains google slides so we can organize the photos as they would be in the different sections of the museum. We also have a google doc to help communicate and outline the jobs we need to get done in order to complete our assignment. We were missing one member on the day we were planning it all out so we have yet to discuss our plan of action in terms of who is on what job. The materials we are using vary from photos to videos, to texts. 

This project is a little bit tied to what we have learned about all year, for example, distant reading. We are finding materials on a broader spectrum and putting them into sections that make sense to the reader and how we view their significance. These virtual tours are also a good example of the virtual space section in the Digital Humanities book. The audience thanks to these virtual tours can range from school kids to older generations who are interested in the culture and heritage of Maine. It is important that we present it nicely because more people will take advantage of the online version and take the virtual tour. The LA Museum's mission is to help people discover new ideas and human ingenuity. With the help of this virtual tour, the LA museum will be taking a step in the right direction 


  1. Hey Zoe! I can't wait to see how your final project comes out! Even though my knowledge on your portion of the MMILL project is limited, I would definitely agree about it being tied to distant reading! I also loved how you described that updating the virtual tours would attract far more users than in its current state - people in the modern age are obsessed with updated aesthetics!

  2. Hey! I have not used thinkink so I am also excited to hear one of us in the group knows the ins and outs. Since I was not in class, tomorrow will great for understanding roles. I agree that the presentation needs to be organized and well thought out. I think with covid as well, people are not limited anymore with this project because it can accessed in the comfort of their homes around the world.


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