Web Presentation and Design

 After reading chapters 11 and 12, I thought it brought the course book back to the beginning. The web presentation "are repositories, exhibits, theme and topic specific sites, or digital publications"(Johanna Drucker 192). The chapter made it clear how important web presentation was in digital humanities. The chapters have lead up to this to show how much goes into websites and sources. From breaking down data analysis, mapping, interface, databases, ect, it all connects on making a website or source. I know the importance of putting important text with meaningful images. I now know the difference between a good website and a bad one. I think it is very important to have a well organized website. It should not be filled with text because it can be overwhelming and hard to sift through. I want my final web presentation to be to the point, easy to assess, and digestible. Presentation is key. There should be a section for help and support with a tutorial on everything to know about the layout of the source. I want my presentation to have a very simple yet pleasing to the eye home page, with subpages off of it so people can choose the topics they are looking for. Design had a clear checklist on what the project should have. Intellectual goals, scope, resources, and location. I will be using this chapter as an outline for designing my presentation. I will make sure I do not copy right any information that is not mine without citations. Without this book, I would be lost in digital humanities but it really has broken the general outlook on the subject in a structured way. 


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