MMILL Team Processing
I am part of the MMILL Oral Histories group, alongside Kait and Jordan. The primary goal of our group is to convert CD and cassette audio files into MP3 files, edit photos to a specific dimension and DPI, proofread transcripts, create search terms and a short synopsis of the story, and rename all these files into a designated naming system. Our naming system is as follows: Last Name _ First Name _ Year of Creation. We have all selected five oral histories to focus on, bringing the grand total of oral histories to 15. The work is being divided equally, and we have tried ensuring that each person has roughly the same duration of audio files to listen to. Currently, we are all focusing on ensuring all our audio files are processed into the correct file type, and that the audio files are of substantial enough quality that they can be adequately enjoyed by the visitors of the online exhibit. I will admit that while the work itself is what I expected it to be, the time in which it takes one ...